How to Mend


According to WRAP, 4 in 5 people own at least some clothing that has not been worn because they no longer fit, or they need altering. WRAP has also stated that over half of women and nearly a quarter of men expressed an interest in learning more about how to repair clothes.

It is often overlooked how repairing clothes is an important factor when it comes to sustainability.

Research conducted by WRAP has concluded that extending the life cycle of your clothes offers the greatest overall potential to reduce its carbon, waste, and water footprints, meaning it’s worth putting in the effort to sew on that missing button or to mend that fallen hem.

We have therefore created a series of how to videos and downloadable sheets to help people gain new skills to enable them to repair simple alterations to help garments look new for longer and to prevent them from going to landfill and causing stress on the environment.


Please note these helpful guides contained in this series are a collection of recommendations which have not been scientifically tested. They’re no guarantees that these guides adhere for the intended results and Kustom Kit accepts no responsibility for any damage caused as a result. You must make your own assessment and choose to follow them at your own risk. Always read the care label prior to laundering and altering.